FRONT END/자바스크립트

chart.js 사용하여 차트그리기

자코린이 2022. 8. 25. 17:16


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <script src=""></script>
    <canvas id="myChart" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
         const DATA_COUNT = 12;
    const labels = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < DATA_COUNT; ++i) {
    const datapoints = [0, 20, 20, 60, 60, 120, NaN, 180, 120, 125, 105, 110, 170];
  const data = {
    labels: labels,
  datasets: [
      label: 'Cubic interpolation (monotone)',
      data: datapoints,
      borderColor:'rgb(137, 170, 219)',
      fill: false,
      cubicInterpolationMode: 'monotone',
      tension: 0.4
    }, {
      label: 'Cubic interpolation',
      data: datapoints,
      borderColor: 'rgb(255, 99, 132)',
      fill: false,
      tension: 0.4
    }, {
      label: 'Linear interpolation (default)',
      data: datapoints,
      borderColor:'rgb(204, 255, 229)',
      fill: false
    const ctx = document.getElementById('myChart');
    const myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
        type: 'line',
        data: data,
        options: {
            responsive: true,
    plugins: {
      title: {
        display: true,
        text: 'Chart.js Line Chart - Cubic interpolation mode'
    interaction: {
      intersect: false,
    scales: {
      x: {
        display: true,
        title: {
          display: true
      y: {
        display: true,
        title: {
          display: true,
          text: 'Value'
        suggestedMin: -10,
        suggestedMax: 200


공식문서(친절하지 않음) :


Getting Started | Chart.js

Getting Started Let's get started using Chart.js! First, we need to have a canvas in our page. It's recommended to give the chart its own container for responsiveness. Now that we have a canvas we can use, we need to include Chart.js in our page. Now, we c


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'FRONT END > 자바스크립트' 카테고리의 다른 글

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